Project | 项目名称:


Location | 项目地点:

JingZhou,HuBei,China | 中国 湖北 荆州

Design Area | 设计面积:

2500㎡ | 二千五百平方米

Investment amount | 投资金额:

¥30,000,000 | 三千万元

Completion Time | 竣工时间:

2020 | 二零二零

Interior Design | 主案设计:

Haibing Xiao 肖海兵

Interior Design Team | 设计团队:


EDM PLUS CLUB 位于湖北荆州以后工业时代为主题的派对电音酒吧,设计面积2500㎡,总投资3000万元,独特的工业设计风格使得 EDM PLUS CLUB 建成后将成为荆州娱乐新地标建筑。 设计团队在室内外营造了一个世界后工业时代的幸存避风港,酒吧整体运用大规模的工业化风格来装饰,富有朋克效果。全金属的空间、粗犷的破旧金属与包间内的精致典雅形成强烈对比,造成一种时代的穿越感。

EDM PLUS CLUB is located in Jingzhou, Hubei, the theme of the post-industrial era party electronic music bar, the design area of 2500 square meters, a total investment of 30 million yuan, the unique industrial design style makes EDM Plus Club will become a new Jingzhou entertainment landmark building. The design team created a world of post-industrial haven in the interior and exterior, the bar is decorated with large-scale industrial style, full of punk effect. The all-metal space and rough old metal form a strong contrast with the exquisite elegance in the private rooms, creating a sense of time travel.


The designer combined LED and industrial wind to create modern and post-industrial outdoor space according to the original architectural shape of the exterior wall. The vault security door style bar door and other details all foreshadowed inside the world is the post-industrial era survival of the haven design theme. It makes people want to go inside.


The bar lobby, stairwells, toilets and other areas use gears, pipes, motors, industrial cans and other elements to create a futuristic industrial space with a punk effect. The small Tesla coil lightning device in the lobby is the finishing touch of the whole space, adding a futuristic atmosphere to the whole space.

EDM PLUS CLUB 大厅层高12米,上下近千平米的超大空间可同时容纳千人Party释放,同时采用“全空间无柱设计”,将Party空间最大化利用,不仅实现360度视野环绕,同时更最大程度地提高场地容积率,进一步地释放Party自由空间。

The hall of EDM PLUS CLUB has a height of 12 meters, with a large space of nearly 1,000 square meters up and down, which can accommodate thousands of parties at the same time. At the same time, the "full-space column-free design" is adopted to maximize the use of the Party space, which not only realizes the 360-degree view around, but also maximizes the plot ratio of the site to further release the free space of the Party.

大厅整体的灯光舞美结构设计上注重独特个性与实用性相结合。舞美的应用主要特点就是多维。近200平方超大透明主屏设计和灯光舞美机械都是以多维形式结构的考虑。光和影像可以在几个层面交替穿梭。得益于设计团队丰富的大型酒吧设计经验,使得 EDM PLUS CLUB 舞美设计上拥有更好的审美、品位和想象力。更专业的指导思想呈现了更惊艳的舞美效果。

The overall lighting and stage design of the hall pays attention to the combination of unique personality and practicality. The main feature of the application of stage art is multidimensional. The design of nearly 200 square meters of super-large transparent main screen and the lighting and stage machinery are all considered in multi-dimensional form structure. Light and image can travel alternately on several levels. Thanks to the design team's rich experience in large-scale bar design, EDM PLUS CLUB has better aesthetics, taste and imagination in stage design. More professional guiding ideology presents more stunning stage effect.


The double-layer dynamic screen composed of lamps and ice screen has an overall width of 22 meters and a height of 12 meters. It is composed of a transparent LED giant screen with a high permeability of 60%, which ensures the high-precision image presentation and realizes the interactive presentation of dynamic light and shadow. The ceiling choreography matrix is composed of 8 groups of rectangular transparent LED high-definition screens and light frames. With 4 groups of cylindrical shapes and 8 mechanical arms, the choreography effect is more three-dimensional through mechanical lifting and floating pendulum in the air.


All 8 groups of suspended systems adopt the structure of screen light array. It adopts up and down maneuver control, so that the stage design creativity to achieve multi-dimensional presentation. The aerial stage design machinery makes the stage design vision break the limitation of space, get the horizontal plane extension at the same time, also get the vertical extension, form the high and low echo of the whole field of vision, and create the immersive stage design experience.